Monday, February 13, 2012


An update on my diet soda addiction! It's harder than I thought.  I'm so tired and I want some diet soda like NOW!  But I promised myself that I'll wait and use that ONE soda later into the afternoon when my energy is at its lowest. Yep, it's now 1 soda a day. Let's see if I can last this long this week but I am determined.

Some of you thought Shakeology was pricey.  Let me show you this picture and you'd see it's worth every penny!  AND you can't even taste those veggies at all. I never liked those V-8 drinks! Ew. Shakeology is also not always a meal replacement drinks. If you do not need to lose weight (I'm so envious if you dont!) then you can drink this as a snack or even a dessert. (tastes like it!) 
Give it a try!  If you want more information,  just go to my website,    One more thing, it also boosts your immune system. My hubby had a bad cold last month and I even did not get any cold from him! I've not been sick YET for such a long time. 

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