Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Healthy Benefits of Asparagus

It is Spring and that means I buy Asparagus all the time while they are at their best and cheap!! Asparagus offers so many healthy benefits that you should add into your meals.
1  It can detoxify our digestive system Your kidneys LOVE this vegetable. It also can prevent bladder and uniary tract infections. Notice the weird smell when you pee? That. 2 It has anti-aging functions
3 It can protect against cancer.
4 It reduces pain and inflammation. A good idea to add into your lunch or dinner meal if you had a hard workout on that day!
5 It reduces the risk of heart diseases.
6 Reduces the risk of birth defects because it is high in foliate. It also helps nursing mothers as well.
7 Prevents diabetes by balancing our insulin levels.
8 Helps fight depression and can put you in a good mood 

If you want more information, just go here! 

I read a GREAT tip from Women's Health magazine that you should focus on eating healthy food instead of UNhealthy food.  :) So I'm trying to read and research on what food offers us health benefits.  One food at a time so I picked Asparagus for now.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

castaway getaway

Beach vacation has been on our minds for a time being until we finally reach to Bahamas! We booked a Castaway Getaway trip from Sandals Emerald Bay and we are so excited! A boat will take us to island where there are NO human beings! The agency will leave us a phone in case of any emergencies so we won't truly be castaways unless someone forgets to pick us up! At least we will get a working phone in case that happens. This will be perfect for snorkeling as the sea creatures aren't scared away from the usual noise at the hotel.  Being on an isolated island with my loved one means I get to cross that off my bucket list. :-)  With beach being on my mind, I still have been working out hard as I can and watching what i eat too! I've been mixing Tubrofire, running, and Brazil Butt Lift into my workout routine. I still drink Shakeology on a daily basis. Even after a beach vacation, I will still keep on working out just to be healthy!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Shakeology questions

There's been some confusion about Shakeology so I've decided to clear up some rhings.

1. Is it a meal replacement?  Use it like any kind of smoothie. You can replace it as a meal for breakfast or lunch or even dinner. But some people drink it as a snack after a workout.  Some people even drink it as a snack in the afternoon. This is really not a weight loss drink. It's just like a healthy, monster smoothie that has a lot of vitamins in it. I don't have to worry about blending all kinds of food or herbs or whatnot in it.  (it has 70 ingredients in it!!)  If some people want to lose weight, then replace a meal. Only once a day! Keep in mind that you have to exercise and eat clean along with the shake.

2. Why is it so expensive? Like I said, it has 70  ingredients in it. But it really is only $4 a drink if you buy it as a customer(As a coach, it only costs about $3 plus no shipping costs if its on home direct Starbucks latte costs about the same and it's loaded with sugar! Any fast food lunches cost about the same but doesn't offer the same healthy benefits.  A wise investment into your body.

3. What if I do not like the taste? Shakeology has a 30 day guarantee You can get your money back as long as you send an empty bag back. Don't throw away the contents! Give them to others so the food will not be wasted.  So why not give it a chance??? I was skeptical at first. Now I'm addicted to it! I have not been to Starbucks in ages. I can't even remember when was the last time I went there. I just ordered Shakeology in Greenberry and I have no idea what it tastes like. Knowing I can get a refund, I took the risk.

4. What is in it? A LOT!!!! You can see the ingredients listed on my Shakeology website.  But here's some of them for your convenience.
Shakeology Ingredients-What do they do?

Acerola powder (fruit) -Acerola can be found throughout northeastern Brazil and is rich in Vitamin C and carotenoids, and one of the richest known natural sources of vitamin C.
Camu-Camu powder (fruit) – Coming from the rainforest, this is one of the most nutrient-dense foods, offering considerable disease-prevention and the highest amount of vitamin C of any plant in the world. For a free in-depth report on this fruit, please go here.

Pomegranate powder (fruit) -The anti-oxidant properties of this fruit benefits the heart, can be helpful in treating diabetes, dementia, cancer and menopausal problems, and perhaps even prevents sunburn.

Bilberry powder (fruit) -An antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic agent, this fruit has shown to improve vision and symptoms associated with diabetes.
Blueberry powder (fruit) – Blueberries are very high in fiber and nutrients and have been proven to lower blood pressure, protect against oxidative stress and maybe even help you lose that hard to get rid of abdominal fat, according to a study published in Experimental Biology 2009.

Lycium (Goji) powder (berry) – These berries contain around eighteen amino acids, are plentiful in iron, with more beta carotene than carrots. Dubbed as a natural anti-aging food, goji is used to treat hepatitis B (because of the physalin produced by the berries), heart and blood pressure conditions, as a memory enhancer, a treatment for breast and cervical cancer, an anti-inflammatory, and an antifungal, antibacterial.

Açai powder (berry) – A powerful anti-oxident that is being studied for it’s beneficial properties on blood pressure, cholesterol levels, heart health and cancer prevention.

Cordyceps – A type of Asian fungus (mushroom) that may have beneficial properties for bone marrow and kidneys, while it increases stamina, protects against free radicals and restores energy.

Maitake powder - A mushroom that has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to enhance the immune system, regulate blood pressure, glucose, insulin, and both serum and liver lipids, and may also be useful for weight loss.

Reishi powder - Reishi is a mushroom used in traditional Chinese medicine, protecting the liver, as an analgesic, antiinflammatory, and anti-cancer treatments.

Citrus bioflavonoids - Extracted from fruits, bioflavonoids are widely used in Europe to treat diseases of the blood vessels and lymph system.

Rose Hips powder – Rich in vitamin C, rosehips are commonly used for reduction in asthma symptoms and allergies.

Schisandra powder (berry) - An Asian vine believed to be beneficial to those suffering from hepatitis, and seems to work well as a stimulator for the central nervous system, increasing brain efficiency, improved reflexes, and an accelerated rate of endurance.

Gingko powder (leaf) - The oldest living species of plant on earth, gingko has been used in Chinese medicine to stimulate the blood circulation and have a tonic effect on the brain, reducing lethargy, improving memory and giving an improved sense of well-being.

Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus thermophilus - Since most degenerative disease conditions can be linked to intestinal toxemia and our inability to properly eliminate it from the body, this is blend is useful for a healthy intestinal tract.

Maca powder (root) – A nutrition-packed root vegetable from the mountain plateaus of the Peruvian Andes that is rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals – known to increase energy, stamina and endurance, support the immune system and adrenal function, reduce chronic fatigue, regulate and support the endocrine system, and even treat menopausal symptoms (it is now being prescribed by many health practitioners as a safe, effective alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy).

Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) meal – With an average of 48 to 49 percent omega-3s, Sacha Inchi is an excellent vegetarian source of fatty acids, contains high amounts of protein and can assist the body’s formation of nerve tissues, eye tissues and cell membranes. It may also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and help regulate blood pressure and support normal function of the immune system.

Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) powder – Grown in the Andes of Peru, Yakon helps to regulate sugar blood levels.

Flax (seed) meal - Flax is high in B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, omega 3, fiber, and our best source of lignans which may promote fertility, reduce peri-menopausal symptoms, and possibly help prevent breast cancer. In addition, lignans may help prevent Type 2 diabetes.

Chia (seed) meal - Not just a cute gift in the shape of a famous mouse, chia is a muscle and tissue builder and a good source of amino acid and Omega 3’s. However, what is amazing is researchers believe a gel-forming phenomenon takes place in the stomach (when food containing these gummy fibers, known as mucilages, are eaten) which creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, thus slowing the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar. “In addition to the obvious benefits for diabetics, this slowing in the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar aids in physical endurance. Carbohydrates are the fuel for energy in our bodies. Prolonging their conversion into sugar stabilizes metabolic changes, diminishing the surges of highs and lows creating a longer duration in their fueling effects.” ( read Magic of Chia : Revival of an Ancient Wonder Food by James F. Scheer

Did you know that a phytochemical found in chlorella can actually rebuild nerve damage in the brain and nervous systeThat’s why chlorella is being used in the recovery of patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Hydrilla – This plant from Asia, Europe and Africa is hailed for providing increased energy levels, improved immunity, improved digestion, reduced body fat, increased mental clarity, decreased appetite, improved joint, hair, skin and nail health, and an overall increased sense of well-being.

Apple pectin powder - Apple pectin is a water-soluble fiber, helpful in removing cholesterol out of the intestines and delaying glucose absorption.

Astragalus powder (root) – Used in traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed to strengthen debilitated patients and increase resistance to disease in general and boost immunity.

Spinach powder – Spinach has been used for years to help relieve anemic problems due to its high iron and chlorophyll content.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) – Supports healthy connective tissues like tendons, ligaments, and muscle. Thus, it is important in conditions such as arthritis, muscle pains, bursitis, etc.

Pea fiber – May help to improve cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol. Fiber is credited with helping to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood and may thus help to reduce the risk of heart diseasQuinoa (sprouted) - Quinoa is a complete protein, containing all the eight essential amino acids and an excellent source of potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium (Nature’s medicine for people suffering from Migraines), iron and B vitamins. Excellent for the heart and since they are an insoluble fiber, it helps in gallstone prevention.


Amylase, Papain, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain – These enzymes aid in digestion, reduce heartburn problems, gas and bloating, may also dimminish allergies.

Ashwagandha powder (root) - Has rejuvenative properties commonly used in Ayurveda for stress-induced fatigue, nervous exhaustion and general debility

Barley grass - Barley grass is hailed as “the” healthiest of the healthy green grasses, acting as a free radical scavenger and known to reduce inflammation and pain. Although nutritionally, they are close cousins to dark green leafy vegetables, the “nutrient density” is much higher (more of the beneficial phytonutrientsKamut grass – Ancient Egyptian wheat known for its low gluten levels and contain more protein and minerals than common wheat or other cereal grass.

Oat grass - Contains beta-carotene, vitamins K and C, folic acid, calcium, iron, protein, fiber and B vitamins.

Wheat grass – Wheat grass by itself is not very palpable, however, it contains P4D1, a “gluco-protein” that acts like an antioxidant, reducing inflammation. It is also thought to be able to help the body attack cancer cells. This grass has high levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, enzymes, chlorophyll and mucopolysaccharides, and is known to be highly alkalizing to the body, aiding detoxification.

Amaranth (sprouted) (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) – This ancient grain (used by the pre Columbian Aztecs and also in India) is very high in iron and protein. Additionally, Amaranth has three times the calcium of milk.

Grape seed extract (seed, 95% proanthocyanins) -Surprisingly, grape seed extract may be better for you than the grapes from which it is derived. A vast array of health-giving ingredients are in these tiny seeds. Protein, lipids, carbohydrates and polyphenols help the body fight viruses, allergens, and carcinogens. A phenol you might be particularly interested in is procyanidin. Procyanidins bond with collagen. Collagen is a key component of skin, gums, bones, teeth, hair and body tissues. The bonding promotes more youthful looking skin – what has been dubbed a natural facelift!

In addition, procyanidins can improve your vision, the health of your arteries and body tissues (such as the heart), joint flexibility and strengthen capillaries and veins to improve your circulatory system, act as an anti-inflammatory, and scavenges oxygen free radicals. If that was not enough, grapes contain reservatrol, which has proven to contain neuroprotective capabilities.

Green tea decaffeinated extract (leaf, 50% polyphenols) – Green tea has important antioxidants and compounds.

Studies reveal an impact on heart disease and cancer which are promising. The antioxidants, called catechins, scavenge for free radicals that can damage DNA.

Holy basil powder - Holy basil powder contains vitamin C, carpteme, calcium and phosphorus which helps the skin stay healthy and supple by protecting it from environmental toxins. It contributes to the health of the throat chest and lungs and protects the respiratory tract and has been used as an anti-inflammatory.

Sweetened with Stevia - Native to subtropicall/tropical South America and Central America, stevia sweetens whatever it is added to without adding calories. Research shows a regulating effect on the pancreas and has been used to help stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore useful to people with diabetes and hypoglycemia. It may lower elevated blood pressure, aids in digestion, reduces gas and stomach acidity. It has been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.

(Greenberry also contains natural strawberry and raspberry flavors, while Chocolate contains cocoa and chocolate powder, with natural vanilla and cinnamon powder for flavoring Im not sure about Tropical Strawberry yet) See, I told you it's a healthy, MONSTER smoothie. Feel free to do your own research too.

Monday, April 16, 2012

TurboFIre Results

I have completed 90 days of Turbofire! Time does fly because it really does not feel like I've been using it this long! I am not finished with this program as I just starttd the advanced part of Turbofire.  Even though I only lost few pounds, it did BREAK the plateau I was stuck in! So I'm happy with a few pounds along with some lost inches! I am more fit and stronger now. When I first started using Turbofire, I had to hit pause on the DVD player several times during the first 2 weeks to take a few breaks. I did not have a great endurance. I  also had to learn Chalene's superfast moves and memorize the choreography moves. After a month, the moves became much easier to follow and I was able to do every move rather than constantly falling behind the trainer's moves.  Doing 2nd round of TF probably will give better results than 1st round because you are stronger and you'll know all the moves! I don't hit "pause" on the dvd player anymore as I can get through all of the workouts now. The workouts are more enjoyable and fun!  Here's my stats.
My height is 5' 7"

Feb 2012


Left Thigh=24 1/2
Right Thigh-24 1/2
Left Arm-12
Right Arm 12

April 2012
Left Thigh-23
Right Thigh-23
Left Arm-12


Right Arm-12

I'm thrilled I can pull size 10 pants/shorts down without unzipping them! I went from size 10 to size 8.  :-) No wonder as I've lost two inches off my hips! My arms haven't changed at all. I never used sculpting gloves during those workouts.  Maybe I should have! My hubby says they're toned though!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I saw this book being featured on Anderson Cooper show. I don't watch it often but if I see a topic that looks interesting, I record it.  I intend to buy this book! Habits are powerful.  One of my bad habits before I lost weight, was snacking during my favorite TV shows. I still do once in a while but I replace junk food to a healthy snack. I walk on the treadmill too so I can be distracted from snacking.  That helped me break the habit.  The author in the show stated that people who exercise on a daily basis had lower credit  card debt! One of reasons is a better self image leading to less shopping binges. We know exercise offers so many benefits so it's nice to add one more thing to the list! I will be back about this book again after I finish reading it. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fitness Milestone

As I hopped on my treadmill to watch one of my favorite TV shows, I realized that I have been using my treadmill for YEARS. I think Its been about 7 years? I remember when I used the treadmill for the first time, I was HUFFING and PUFFING using one of its easiest programs.  I used this same program today while watching TV. (I did Core 20 for Turbofire but I wanted to do some walking while watching TV!)  I realized that I have been working out for  SEVEN YEARS. WOW! That definitely has kept most of my weight off. Without careful eating and exercising, I'm pretty sure I will be back to the old weight. I used to sweat like crazy using some of the programs on the treadmill. Now I can breeze through them. Thanks to Turbofire, it challenges me for now.  I'm actually using the advanced part of Turbofire! I never thought I would reach to that level! Anyway, my health bill from my annual physical check ups always has been healthy. My cholesterol is very low. (100)  I remember a doctor telling me I needed to exercise and eat better because my cholesterol was too high and I was only in college!  Anyway, this thought made me think that I should appreciate that Im stronger now. I'm still hard on myself to lose 5 more lbs or etc. This drives my husband nuts because he thinks I look great now and don't need to lose any more weight. What happens if we do reach our goal weight? Do we stay happy? I only stayed at my goal weight for a short time.  We shall see what happens! For now, I'm happy where I am right now.  Fit and strong.

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Stinky House

Once something bad happens, it pours.  First, I found a salt shaker with a missing bottom meaning there's salt all over the counter and floor. I had to clean the whole mess up. My sweet mother brought me some pretzel rolls that I could never find in the stores. I popped one in the microwave around lunchtime. I did not read the WHOLE direction. It said to warm up the roll for 5 minutes in the microwave. I missed the most important word...THAWED. The roll was frozen. As I was eating my salad, I smelled something burning. OMG, the roll! I ran to the microwave and it was SMOKING. The whole kitchen was smoky. I looked at the flasher to see if the smoke alarm went off. It did not. Whew! The house stunk for hours. Ugh.  It still smells like burned popcorn here. Hope tomorrow is a better day.  At least, kale chips turned out delicious!!!

Kale News

There's a funny story about kale! I saw a recipe for Kale chips in my Hungry Girl's cookbook several years ago. I could not find Kale in the grocery stores so I gave up. I tried again to search for Kale when we moved to another state. None.  Of course, I was disappointed.  Last Friday, someone and I happaned to talk about the healthy benefits of eating Kale, I told her that I couldn't ever find Kale. She said she usually bought them at Publix and that is where I shop too. She told me to look for it in a BAG. I had been looking for Kale in those fresh, leafy lettuce area.  Not bagged salad section! So I decided to look for Kale again in the bagged section yesterday and FOUND a bag of Kale.  Thanks to her, I would never thought of that.  So you can tell that I'm thrilled to make Kale chips today!!!  I got the recipe from my favorite healthy eating blog. The blogger rocks with her recipes. Here's the recipe if you are interested. Kale Chips

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Egg Bake

Easter is coming up soon! My family is coming to celebrate Easter this Saturday meaning I will have some leftover ham.  So I searched for a healthy Easter breakfast recipe on Easter and I found it thanks to Hungry Girl! I will definitely try this!

Ham-It-Up Egg Bake

1/12th of egg bake: 143 calories, 4.5g fat, 650mg sodium, 12g carbs, 0.5g fiber, 4.5g sugars, 12g protein -- PointsPlus® value 4*

This brunch-y bake is perfect for Easter; but really it's good any time of year!


1 package refrigerated Pillsbury Crescent Recipe Creations Seamless Dough Sheet OR cresent rolls and just pinch the lines together

1 cup light or low-fat ricotta cheese, room temperature

4 wedges The Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss cheese, room temperature

1 cup fat-free liquid egg substitute (like Egg Beaters Original)

1 lb. 97% - 98% fat-free sliced ham, roughly chopped

1 cup scallions sliced into 1/2-inch pieces

2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley

1/4 tsp. black pepper


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9" X 13" baking pan with nonstick spray.

Place dough sheet along the bottom of the pan. Firmly press it into the bottom and corners. Pierce dough several times with a fork.

Bake until dough just begins to puff up, about 5 minutes. Remove pan; leave oven on.

In a large bowl, thoroughly mix ricotta cheese with cheese wedges until smooth and uniform. Add egg substitute and thoroughly whisk until smooth.

Stir in chopped ham, scallions, parsley, and pepper. Pour mixture over the dough in the pan.

Bake until egg mixture is cooked through, about 40 minutes. Eat up!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Temptations

Easter is approaching upon on us soon! Candies galore! Easter temptations! Okay, no need to deprive yourself completely from the food as long as you keep them in small portions. That is the key!  We could develop the risk of gorging. Recipes always can be modified by using fat free mayo for those famous deviled eggs. There are tons of recipes that don't use mayo for deviled eggs as well. While we were at a store, I spotted a bag of SMALL sized candies. They were the smallest I ever seen and I LOVE that size!!! Here's an example of how small the Health candy is. I put a quarter by the candy so you can get a better idea.

There's also CHOCOLATE shakeology that just hits the sweet cravings too! If you are craving something that tastes like Reese's, simply put 1 TB of PB2 in your Chocolate Shake. That is one of my most frequent shakes. (Im a chocolate addict!) PB2 is one of the best inventions ever for food because 1 TB only has 20 calories!

Beachbody keeps coming out with new products.  One of them is FIRESTARTER. it's a program that is a stage between TurboJam and TurboFire. This program is still intense but no jumps.  It may be good for those days that you do not feel like jumping if you already used TurboFire.  Beachbody is also producing a new fitness program named Body Beast.  It is for people who are into bodybuilding. Keep your eyes peeled for its release if you are into that kind of thing!

Happy Easter!!